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ITF launches new resource for world’s airport workers

ニュース 22 Jun 2017

The new website at offers everything unions and workers need to get involved in the mission to build power at airports and secure recognition and decent work for airport workers.

Among the resources, tools and shared experiences it offers are films, proof that while airlines are making record profits workers are being put under record pressure and photos of airport workers demonstrating for better airports.

Erin van der Maas, head of the ITF airports organising priority project, explained: “Airport workers are getting a rough deal and we’re committed to changing that fact. We’ve already got a growing coalition of unions backing this programme and we aim to increase it in size and influence. To make that happen we need more unions and airport workers to get involved and that’s what this new resource is designed to help achieve.

“We particularly want to hear about and share the experiences of airport workers and unions in this sector, and ask them to contact us via the website or by email at The airports industry is huge and powerful. We’re putting it on notice that it’s time it listened to the workers who made it that way.”

Follow the airport workers project at and on social media using the hashtag #AirportWorkers

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ニュース 28 May 2024


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