Asia Pacific
With over 200 trade union affiliates across the region, ITF Asia Pacific is building workers’ power and solidarity by supporting unions to campaign, organise and influence policy nationally, sub-regionally, regionally and globally.
Capital acts globally, and so must we. With offices across the breadth of the Asia Pacific region, ITF works with unions across the region to build strength by sharing successes, organising workshops to develop new strategies to shift power to workers, and activating solidarity when transport workers are under attack.
ITF Singapore Office
52 Chin Swee Road
#05-00 Seacare Building
Singapore 169875
Tel: +65 6379 5691
Email: mail@itfsgp.com
ITF Delhi office
12D College Lane
New Delhi, 110001 India
Tel: +91(0)11 2335 4408
Email: mail@itfindia.co.in
ITF Hong Kong Office
Rooms 1105 Alliance Building
133 Connaught Road C
Sheung Wan Hong Kong, China
Email: hkfocoffice@itf.org.uk
ITF Sydney Office
Level 2, 365 Sussex Street
Sydney, NSW 2000, Australia
Tel: +61 (0) 2 9265 8453
Email: sydneyoffice@itf.org.uk
ITF Tokyo Office
Tamachi Kotsu Building
3-2-22 Shibaura, Minato-ku
Tokyo 108-0023, Japan
Tel: +81 (0) 337 982 770
Fax: +83 (0) 337 694 471
Email: mail@itftokyo.org