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Moving our world forward

Pursuing equality, fairness and safety for transport workers.

We are 16.5 million diverse workers – spanning every sector of the transport systems and all corners of the globe – wholly united in what we stand for: improving the lives of workers today... and tomorrow. As the world's leading transport authority and the collective voice of transport, we keep workers at the heart of the shifting world of work. By focussing on the big issues that affect the lives and livelihoods of all workers, we're working to tackle the challenges we face, and proactively shaping our future.

Our focus areas


Governments, employers and investors are accountable for the safety, pay and conditions of all workers involved in moving their goods and passengers. Whether workers are directly employed
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Even today, workers across the world face discrimination based on their gender, age, ethnicity, religion, disability, immigration status and sexual orientation. In the male dominated transport
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Technology has the power to transform how we transport goods and move people around the globe. It can enhance workers' jobs, increase people’s quality of life and enable better decision making. But
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ITF Congress 2024

For the first time in ITF’s history, our Global Congress will be held in the Arab World region. Bringing together thousands of transport workers and trade union leaders, our 46th Congress will be held
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Workers around the world are facing attacks on their right to join and be active in their trade unions or raise their voice and act against the ongoing erosion of employment standards, including
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Thousands of transport workers are killed at work every year. Millions more are forced to work in environments where negligence, harassment, coercion, violence and even the most basic needs - like
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The climate emergency is impacting populations across the world much earlier and harder than expected. Scientists tell us we can’t afford any more delays in action. Transport workers are amongst the
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Union building
While the world of work may be constantly changing, ITF and the trade union movement will always fight to ensure workers are at its heart. We are the lifeblood of the global economy and the engine of economic employers. We have a significant contribution to make and will be a prominent voice at the table, shaping a future of work that is better for all workers.
Innovative campaigns
The ITF supports global transport unions to tackle the big issues facing workers today by providing the tools and support to mobilise and organise innovative campaigns to drive lasting change. By standing together and acting in solidarity we ensure our voice is heard, and that we take an active role in shaping our own future.

ITF keeps governments and employers accountable by advocating for – and contributing to – the development and adoption of forward-thinking policies and regulations that protect the rights and livelihoods of workers. ITF has an important role to play in connecting policymakers to the current struggles and lived realities of workers to help design better policies that can improve our collective futures.

Our focus on the ground