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Uniting workers across the entire transport system.

We bring together unions representing every sector of the global transport system, creating a connected global movement aimed at protecting and improving the welfare of workers.

Civil aviation
ITF is taking the fight to the skies, addressing the key issues that affect aviation transport workers, from airport ground staff to cabin crew, from air traffic control to pilots.
The ITF is supporting transport unions to tackle the key issues facing dockers today. From health and safety to job security, we are supporting our unions as they fight to make a difference.
ITF represents fishers working at sea and on land, as part of the supply chain. We campaign for better working conditions in an industry that can be harsh and oppressive.
The ITF represents crew on inland waterways vessels throughout the world. We campaign for better working conditions on canals, rivers and lakes, and in ports and harbours.
ITF fights for safe and sustainable rail - a new economic and social model that redefines the role of passengers, workers, employers, the state and the environment.
Through organising, contract negotiation, monitoring and enforcement, the ITF is strengthening union capacity to create a safe and sustainable road transport industry.
ITF works to ensure safe vessels and decent working conditions for seafarers. Our aim is to raise standards, protect the vulnerable and eradicate exploitation.
As the largest subsector – accounting for 40% of the industry’s footprint – transport has a significant role to play in shaping a sustainable tourism future.
We work to see public ownership, strong labour standards and democratic participation for workers and passengers in public transport systems worldwide.
We're campaigning to secure and improve the safety, rights and labour standards of warehouse workers globally.
We're prioritising women’s visibility, activism and leadership in an industry where women are under-represented and men’s needs are still the default.
Transport unions need young workers to be their driving force now – for their future. The voices of young workers, with the support of unions, need to be at the forefront of the fight for secure and decent work. 
Worker stories

Informal work in Senegal

Exhausted workers having to work long hours even when sick, without taking time off for fear of being sacked, are the high-risk consequences of informal working in the transport sector in Senegal
Impact stories

Rights 4 Riders

Just days after riders announced a global network established by the ITF, #Rights4Riders, to protest the company’s business model, Deliveroo is facing setbacks to its IPO listing on the London Stock