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Informal work in Senegal

Worker stories

Exhausted workers having to work long hours even when sick, without taking time off for fear of being sacked, are the high-risk consequences of informal working in the transport sector in Senegal. Workers face the stark choice of working under those conditions to deliver a vital service or face living in poverty. They deserve formal contracts, regular hours and living wages. 

I am doing this job because I have no choice. Aliou, Dakar 







Marrakech Policy

ITF POLICY ON MINIMUM CONDITIONS ON MERCHANT SHIPS The ‘Marrakech Policy’, adopted at the International Transport Workers’ Federation’s (ITF) 46th Congress in Marrakech, Morocco, in October 2024, now

Our voice our stories

Short explanatory text here talking to ITF impacts spanning the global, regional and sector specific to show why it matters and why the work of ITF is so important and needed for a fairer, more just world.
Impact stories

Rights 4 Riders

Just days after riders announced a global network established by the ITF, #Rights4Riders, to protest the company’s business model, Deliveroo is facing setbacks to its IPO listing on the London Stock
Impact stories

The Shwe Tun Aung Story

The story of an ordinary Burmese seafarer facing oppression at sea - Burmese Cowboy is the tale of Shwe Tun Aung and his journey around the world, opposing corrupt ship owners and a dangerous