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Creating a better future for workers today.

By sharing our knowledge, experiences, research, tools and other resources, we can focus and unify our action, strengthen our collective voice and amplify our impact, to create a better future for workers, today.


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Implementation Statement Year Ending 2023

This Implementation Statement reports on the extent to which, over the Scheme Year, the Trustees have followed their policy relating to the exercise of rights (including voting rights) attaching to

Metro Workers' Charter

This Metro Workers’ Charter articulates key priorities that must form the cornerstone of a renewed and efficient metro sector, focussed on providing a quality public service, fighting inequalities and

An ITF Toolkit: Organising for Power in the Caribbean

We hope that this organising toolkit, designed and supported by our leaders in the region, will be the catalyst to grow the union movement locally, inspire a new generation of union members to join

ITF Technology & Decent Work Charter 2024

This charter is intended to inform unions and employers of the rights workers should enjoy in order to ensure a technology introduction that guarantees success to the employer and proper protections