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Uniting workers globally for rights, equality and justice.

Unions represent the interests and voice of workers to employers, governments and international bodies, holding them accountable for the lives and livelihoods of the workforce on which they – and the global economy – depend. Only by unions working together across all sectors of society can we overcome the challenges we face and win a better future for ourselves, for each other, and for workers everywhere.

ITF is transport. 16.5 million unionised transport workers, connected by common challenges and united by a shared purpose with one collective voice. We're working toward a better future for us all. We're sharing knowledge, tools and experiences to support, mobilise and organise a movement of – and for – workers.
ITF represents workers in the world’s only global collective bargaining agreement. We work with our 740 affiliated unions to ensure companies are accountable for the rights, safety, pay and conditions of all workers across the transport industry involved in moving goods and passengers. We engage with responsible employers to promote sustainable business models with workers’ rights at their core, and hold to account those who pursue profit at the expense of the workers driving their business.
As the global voice for transport workers, we work closely with governments and international bodies to ensure the lives and livelihoods of workers are protected now, and into the future. We do that by demonstrating real-world solutions and shaping progressive policy positions. By bringing workers’ voices directly into national and international forums, we ground policy in the lived, human reality, and make sure workers are at the heart of the future world of work.
Civil Society
Transport workers are the lifeblood of our society – quite simply, we move the world. While some transport workers are present and visible in our daily lives, others, such as seafarers, are some of the most isolated workers in the world. But we rely on them equally. Time and time again, civil society has stood side by side with the ITF in our pursuit of justice, dignity and respect.
At the ITF, our values are at the heart of all that we do.

We are dedicated to bringing together a diverse group of people to truly strengthen the ITF as the global voice for transport workers.


Union Building
Across the world, we are building strong, democratic transport workers’ unions. With the support from Trade Union Solidarity Support Organisations, we work increase union membership among transport workers and work with unions to strengthen their democratic structure and increase their institutional capacity to organise, bargain and campaign.
Activating and growing membership
We know we are strongest when we stand together in solidarity and action. An active and engaged membership is the foundation of a strong ITF. We work every day with our affiliated unions to grow our movement – bringing more workers into unions and mobilising workers to leverage their power to win better jobs, safer workplaces and move the world forward.
Innovative campaigning
ITF brings together transport workers’ unions across the world to leverage our collective strength to tackle some of the biggest issues facing our society. From taking on rogue employers to addressing the climate crisis, to supporting our affiliates’ campaigns, we are constantly innovating how we campaign and stand together to drive lasting change.
Policy + Advocacy
ITF continues to push to raise standards nationally, regionally and internationally to protect and advance the rights of transport workers. We use our seat at some of the world’s leading intergovernmental institutions – including the ILO, IMO, ICAO, OECD and UN Global Compact – to ensure that workers’ experiences and expertise inform policy development and standard setting, and that employers and governments remain accountable for their responsibilities towards all transport workers and our collective futures.
Our voice our stories
Short explanatory text here talking to ITF impacts spanning the global, regional and sector specific to show why it matters and why the work of ITF is so important and needed for a fairer, more just world.
Impact stories

Rights 4 Riders

Just days after riders announced a global network established by the ITF, #Rights4Riders, to protest the company’s business model, Deliveroo is facing setbacks to its IPO listing on the London Stock
Impact stories

The Shwe Tun Aung Story

The story of an ordinary Burmese seafarer facing oppression at sea - Burmese Cowboy is the tale of Shwe Tun Aung and his journey around the world, opposing corrupt ship owners and a dangerous