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Unimos a trabajadores y trabajadoras de todo el sistema de transporte.

Reunimos a sindicatos representantes de todos los segmentos del sistema mundial de transporte, creando un movimiento mundial conectado con el objeto de proteger y mejorar el bienestar de la fuerza laboral.

ITF is taking the fight to the skies, addressing the key issues that affect aviation transport workers, from airport ground staff to cabin crew, from air traffic control to pilots.
The ITF is supporting transport unions to tackle the key issues facing dockers today. From health and safety to job security, we are supporting our unions as they fight to make a difference.
ITF represents fishers working at sea and on land, as part of the supply chain. We campaign for better working conditions in an industry that can be harsh and oppressive.
ITF is taking the fight to the skies, addressing the key issues that affect aviation transport workers, from airport ground staff to cabin crew, from air traffic control to pilots.
Safe and sustainable rail can help power the world out of the economic, climate and social crises we face today. Safe and sustainable rail is a new economic and social model that redefines the role of passengers, workers, employers, the state and the environment. 
Apoyando la labor de organización, negociación colectiva, monitoreo y control del cumplimiento de las normas, la ITF está reforzando la capacidad de los sindicatos para crear una industria del transporte por carretera segura y sostenible.
ITF works to ensure safe vessels and decent working conditions for seafarers. Our aim is to raise standards, protect the vulnerable and eradicate exploitation.
Al ser el mayor subsector de la industria turística —representa el 40 % de la huella de la industria—, el transporte tiene un importante papel que desempeñar en la configuración de un futuro turístico sostenible. 
Luchamos por la propiedad pública, unas normas laborales sólidas y la participación democrática de trabajadores y pasajeros en los sistemas de transporte público de todo el mundo.
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Nuestra prioridad es dar visibilidad a las mujeres e impulsar su activismo y su liderazgo en un sector en el que están infrarrepresentadas y que por defecto responde a las necesidades masculinas.
Los sindicatos del transporte necesitan para su futuro que los trabajadores y trabajadoras jóvenes sean ya su fuerza motriz. Las voces de la juventud trabajadora, con el apoyo de los sindicatos, deben encabezar la lucha por un trabajo seguro y decente. 
Impact stories

The pandemic in road transport

The pandemic in road transport’, a joint VNB-ITF-IUF film and investigation highlights how companies are exploiting Covid-19 to further cut transport prices, pay, conditions and health and safety in
Worker stories

Informal work in Senegal

Exhausted workers having to work long hours even when sick, without taking time off for fear of being sacked, are the high-risk consequences of informal working in the transport sector in Senegal
Impact stories

Rights 4 Riders

Just days after riders announced a global network established by the ITF, #Rights4Riders, to protest the company’s business model, Deliveroo is facing setbacks to its IPO listing on the London Stock