Unindo os trabalhadores de todo o sistema de transporte.
Nós reunimos sindicatos que representam cada setor do sistema de transporte mundial, criando um movimento global conectado cujo objetivo é proteger e melhorar o bem-estar social dos trabalhadores.

Aviação Civil
ITF is taking the fight to the skies, addressing the key issues that affect aviation transport workers, from airport ground staff to cabin crew, from air traffic control to pilots.

The ITF is supporting transport unions to tackle the key issues facing dockers today. From health and safety to job security, we are supporting our unions as they fight to make a difference.

ITF represents fishers working at sea and on land, as part of the supply chain. We campaign for better working conditions in an industry that can be harsh and oppressive.

ITF is taking the fight to the skies, addressing the key issues that affect aviation transport workers, from airport ground staff to cabin crew, from air traffic control to pilots.

Safe and sustainable rail can help power the world out of the economic, climate and social crises we face today. Safe and sustainable rail is a new economic and social model that redefines the role of passengers, workers, employers, the state and the environment.

Através da organização, negociação contratual, monitoramento e fiscalização, a ITF está fortalecendo a capacidade sindical para criar uma indústria do transporte rodoviário segura e sustentável.

ITF works to ensure safe vessels and decent working conditions for seafarers. Our aim is to raise standards, protect the vulnerable and eradicate exploitation.

O transporte é maior subsetor, representando 40% da pegada da indústria, e tem um papel significativo a desempenhar na formação de um futuro com turismo sustentável.

Queremos ver propriedade pública, normas trabalhistas fortes e participação democrática para trabalhadores e passageiros nos sistemas de transporte público em todo o mundo.

Estamos priorizando a visibilidade, o ativismo e a liderança das mulheres em uma indústria onde as mulheres estão sub-representadas e as necessidades dos homens ainda são o padrão.

Para o futuro dos jovens trabalhadores, os sindicatos de transportes precisam que eles sejam sua força motriz hoje. As vozes dos jovens trabalhadores, com o apoio dos sindicatos, precisam estar na linha de frente da luta por trabalho decente e seguro.
Union Building
While the world of work may be constantly changing, ITF and the trade union movement will always fight to ensure workers are at its heart. We are the lifeblood of the global economy and the engine of economic employers. We have a significant contribution to make and will be a prominent voice at the table, shaping a future of work that is better for all workers.
Innovative Campaigns
The ITF supports global transport unions to tackle the big issues facing workers today by providing the tools and support to mobilise and organise innovative campaigns to drive lasting change. By standing together and acting in solidarity we ensure our voice is heard, and that we take an active role in shaping our own future.
ITF keeps governments and employers accountable by advocating for – and contributing to – the development and adoption of forward-thinking policies and regulations that protect the rights and livelihoods of workers. ITF has an important role to play in connecting policymakers to the current struggles and lived realities of workers to help design better policies that can improve our collective futures.