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LATAM network success inspires further organising

ニュース 17 Jul 2014

The LATAM union network this week built on its existing strength and welcomed new members at a meeting in Bogotá , Colombia, where workers from across the civil aviation sector and from every country in Latin America with LATAM operations came together to share experiences and support one another.

The network was delighted to welcome two unions of previously unorganised workers; the cabin crew union of TAM Mercosur from Paraguay, which has a strong female leadership presence and a woman president, and the ground handling union of LAN workers in Ecuador.
Worker representatives from all categories of airline workers attended the meeting, as did representatives from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay and Peru. The Spanish union Comisiones Obreras, which represents LATAM workers in Barajas Airport, Madrid, also attended.
During the meeting, LATAM workers showed solidarity with Colombian aviation unions, who remain strong in negotiations for fair wages with airline company Avianca. Participants marched 7 kilometres in the rain through Bogotá, also demanding safety, infrastructural security, and decent working conditions. You can see a video of the protest here

Following the success of the LATAM network project, which is supported by Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) and FNV Mondiaal, the ITF will kick off a similar project for newly merged Avianca-TACA airlines, building a network and organising unorganised workers in Central America.
ITF civil aviation and tourism services secreatry Gabriel Mocho Rodriguez said: "We must ensure that the experience and lessons learnt from the LATAM network are carried forward, and continue to benefit other groups of workers in the region and the world. When this project started, LATAM had the support of several ITF affiliates. Now, they are ready to share their experience and support others. "

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