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Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) is a public transport system designed to improve capacity and reliability in congested cities. It is based on dedicated road lanes that cannot be used by vehicles other than large buses operated by BRT companies. BRT involves building new roads, interchanges, terminals and modern stations along the routes.

All over the world, cities like Nairobi, Dakar and Abidjan are encouraged by the World Bank and national governments to adopt BRT. They believe that BRT will ease congestion, increase efficiency, and reduce air pollution.

The ITF works with transport unions in target cities to strengthen the voice of workers in the development of BRT systems and to negotiate the transition from informal to formal work. As part of this work the ITF has produced the guides and reports below.

Worker Voices From Nairobi Public Transport





Marrakech Policy

ITF POLICY ON MINIMUM CONDITIONS ON MERCHANT SHIPS The ‘Marrakech Policy’, adopted at the International Transport Workers’ Federation’s (ITF) 46th Congress in Marrakech, Morocco, in October 2024, now