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ITF complains to Jordanian govt over Aqaba port arrests

ニュース 記者発表資料 16 Oct 2014

The port workers had begun a strike on Monday which the police action appears to have been designed to break. Strikebreakers are reportedly being brought in from outside the country. The arrested workers, who included several union leaders, were later released.

The ITF’s Arab World office has raised the matter with the country’s government, and ITF general secretary Steve Cotton has written to its Prime Minister, stating:

I am writing to you once again with regard to the current dispute at the Aqaba Container Terminal (ACT) operated by the global company APM Terminals, which has led to our affiliate the General Union of Port Workers taking strike action. This followed the stalemate in negotiations over the renewal of the collective bargaining agreement. These negotiations have been ongoing for months – the agreement should have been renewed in June.

I am shocked to learn that a country such as Jordan, with such a robust democratic tradition has allowed interference by the police forces in a labour dispute

I would like to re-emphasize that the members of the General Union of Port Workers are professionals and proud of the work that they do, both for the benefit of their company and their nation’s economy. They understand the implications of the strike. However, unfortunately, they felt forced into this situation given the management’s position on good faith negotiations.

Given the potentially severe consequences of the police intervention and permission by the ACT management, I am requesting that you intervene in this dispute immediately to prevent the situation from deteriorating further. The ITF is hopeful that a resolution can be achieved with your support and guidance.

The ITF will continue to call for answers from the government and APMT at how the police came to be involved in an industrial dispute, and for urgent measures to resolve the dispute.


For more information contact ITF press and editorial manager, Sam Dawson, direct line: + 44 (0)20 7940 9260. E-mail:

International Transport Workers’ Federation – ITF: HEAD OFFICE, ITF House, 49 - 60 Borough Road, London SE1 1DR,Tel: + 44 (0) 20 7403 2733, Fax: + 44 (0) 20 7357 7871, Email: Web-page:

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