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ITF joins unions demanding that search continue for Bourbon Rhode crew

ニュース 14 Oct 2019

The Luxembourg-flagged Bourbon Rhode – crewed by 14 Ukrainian, Russian, South African, Filipino and Croatian seafarers – sank on September 28 after it was hit by the category 4 hurricane "Lorenzo". At the time of the incident, the vessel was in transit around 1,200 nautical miles off the French Martinique island and 60 nautical miles from the eye of the hurricane.
Search and rescue operations coordinated by the Regional Operational Centre of Surveillance and Rescue (CROSS) since September 26 have resulted in the recovery a lifeboat with three Ukrainian survivors, as well as recovering the bodies of four seafarers. Since October 1, no more survivors or bodies have been found.
However, the three Ukrainian seafarers rescued on September 28 have confirmed that some of the missing seven crew members succeeded in entering a life raft and there is a possibility that they are still alive.
Additionally, on October 8, two seafarers onboard the Alp Striker reported that they had seen what could have been a distress flare, and the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) informed authorities of an unknown object spotted via satellite could be a life raft.
Despite these reports French authorities announced that search operations will be scaled down.
ITF maritime coordinator Jacqueline Smith today directly called on the French Government to continue search and rescue operations and redeploy all resources and also called on the US and other nations to provide assistance in the search while there is a prospect that the seven missing seafarers can be found alive.
“The entire ITF family express our deep condolences to the families of four seafarers who have lost their loved ones, and also extend our thoughts to the missing crew and their families and pray for their safe return,” said Smith
“As Croatia’s Minister of Foreign and European Affairs said earlier this week, not all options have been exhausted. Together with our affiliates, the Seafarers Union of Croatia and the Marine Transport Workers’ Trade Union of Ukraine, we demand that the search continues while there is still a glimmer of hope that the missing seafarers are alive,” said Smith.
Families and friends of missing Bourbon Rhode seafarers have launched a petition urging authorities to continue the search for the missing Croatian master and six Ukrainian crew members. The petition has attracted over 43,000 signatures since it was launched on October 5.

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ニュース 記者発表資料 15 Feb 2024


 北米東岸港湾の労働組合である国際港湾労働者協会( ILA )が、ニューロンドン(米コネティカット州)のオーステッド社洋上風力発電事業をめぐる職域闘争で勝利したことを歓迎する。  ITF のパディ・クラムリン会長は次のように語った。 「これは ILA 、 ILA 第 1411 支部、そして ILA 組合員全員にとっての記念すべき勝利だ」「揺るぎない連帯と戦略的行動に支えられた 8 カ月間の闘争は
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Gebuk 労組は、航空ケータリング会社アエロフード・ケータリング・サービス・インドネシアにコロナ禍で違法解雇された労働者に補償金を支払うことを約束させ、組合員のために大きな勝利を確保した。 ITF 加盟のインドネシア空港労連( FSPBI )に加盟 する Gebuk 労組は、ジャカルタ空港で働く航空ケータリング業務委託企業の労働者組合だ。 同労組は 2 月 6 日に大規模デモを行ない
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ITF に加盟する交通運輸労組の皆様 2024 年:ますます機能不全に陥りつつある世界で、私たちが直面する課題は解決しないまま、また新たな年が明けました。私たちは、使用者に職場で説明責任を果たさせること、安全を構築すること、環境の持続可能性を構築すること、付加価値を高め、価値を奪うことのないサプライチェーンを構築すること、労働者から賃金を奪ったり