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Maersk signals way forward on ITF agreements on charters

ニュース 記者発表資料

Maersk will now change their charter party agreements to include a requirement that the charter vessel owners must document that the vessel is covered by an ITF agreement or similar.

Maersk Group vessels (owned or chartered) total around 500 ships.

ITF maritime coordinator Jacqueline Smith applauded the company’s pledge. “This is welcome news,” she said. “It shows that Maersk Group is reaching for high standards and behaving in a responsible and praiseworthy manner.”

She continued: “This closes a circle that has been kept open by, in some cases, vessel providers who have told Maersk they have agreements on board when we know they haven’t.”

The good news from the company was announced at a meeting of the ITF Maersk network (which is made up of seafarers’ and dockers’ unions with members based on vessels or in ports operated directly or indirectly by the Maersk Group) in Copenhagen, Denmark.

That meeting reflected the ITF Maersk network’s commitment to positive engagement with the company, and included attendance at the company’s AGM. (See for more details)

Jacqueline Smith concluded: “It’s in everyone’s interests for Maersk and the ITF to have a positive relationship. Many of the transport workers represented by our unions work for Maersk directly or via subsidiary companies and we are committed to making sure they have decent terms and conditions. As a key industry player we think Maersk wants that too, which is why good faith open dialogue is the only thing that makes sense moving forward.” 

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