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ITF hails success at aviation summit


The ITF civil aviation section has hailed the participation of experts from ITF unions at the 40th assembly of the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) as a great success.

Twenty-five union experts, including young workers and women, from 14 countries participated in the proceedings of the assembly that sets global aviation policies for the next three years. 

The ITF was successful in getting the assembly to adopt both working papers in which it was involved:

  • one paper formally sets 31 May as international cabin crew day to further recognise the key role in aviation of crews
  • the other paper covered disruptive passengers and an expansion of the Montréal protocol presented together with the International Air Transport Association (IATA) and the International Federation of Air Line Pilots' Associations (IFALPA).

The international cabin crew day received the support of Australia, Argentina, France, Papua New Guinea, Nigeria, Spain, Algeria, Russia, Turkey, Niger, Lebanon, Ireland, Mozambique, the IATA, Greece, Eritrea and Mexico.

ITF delegates also participated in the Sky Talks module on ‘provisions of ground handling services at aerodromes’ where ICAO officials explained their plans for this sector, which is key to many ITF civil aviation affiliates.

The ITF also made key interventions on:

  • the risks of further liberalisation
  • the need for a just transition to a sustainable industry and pressed the ICAO and governments on why they still remain unwilling to introduce revolutionary change to fix this issue with so little time left to do so

ITF civil aviation section chair Joseph Tiberi said: “I want to thank all of the ITF-affiliated unions that participated in this assembly, and everyone involved in any of our work at the ICAO. It was great to see this hard work over many years leading to these successes.

“But our work continues. We will make sure our working papers are put into proper effect and start planning for an even better 41st Assembly in 2022.”

You can find updates from the ITF delegation on the ITF civil aviation Twitter and Facebook accounts.