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ITF intervenes for Madadi and Razavi


The ITF protested against a five year prison sentence passed against Davoud Razavi on charges of ‘gathering and colluding with intent to act against national security’ and ‘disrupting public order and peace by participating in illegal gatherings’ – and against the impending trial of Ebrahim Madadi on the same charges.

These are the latest moves in a long game of cat and mouse played by the Iranian authorities to punish the men for their part in lawful trade union activities.

Writing to Iranian president Hassan Rouhani, ITF general secretary Steve Cotton described the repression against the men as ‘an issue that draws the attention of trade unions globally.’

He continued: ‘On 30 April 2015, the ITF together with the ITUC probed the unnecessary arrest of Davood Razavi and Ebrahim Madadi, who are members of the ITF-affiliated Vahed Syndicate.

‘Whilst we cautiously welcomed their release, it has recently come to light that on 17 February your Revolutionary Court Branch 26 in Tehran, sentenced Davood Razavi to five years in prison with charges that alleges his actions “against national security” and “disrupting public order and peace by participating in illegal gatherings.” We have further noted that Ebrahim Madadi will be on trial next week on the same charges. 

‘We take this opportunity to reiterate our firm objection against these oppressions, which seriously jeopardises legitimate trade union activities by these individuals and their organisation. We demand, as a matter of urgency, that Davood Razavi and Ebrahim Madadi are fully granted with their civil liberty and are able to conduct their trade union activities as guaranteed by the universally declared international labour standards.’