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Bangkok workshop prepares women for new technology


Women public transport workers in Bangkok, Thailand, have attended an ITF workshop aimed at preparing them for the impact of new technology on the future of work.

During the event, the road and rail workers discussed the findings of the ITF’s ground-breaking research into the impact of the future of work on women working in public transport.

The group gave examples of how work is already changing and affecting women's employment. For example, on passenger rail in Bangkok automatic ticket machines and outsourcing has led to job losses is areas of work that employs a high proportion of women.

Therefore, the group developed demands that would ensure that technological change is introduced in a way that seeks to advance gender equality, not hinder it.

These demands were added to those developed at the first skills development workshop in Mexico City. Next, this work will be discussed and developed further at subsequent activities for unions in Africa that participated in the research.

In addition, the workshops include practical sessions to strengthen the role of women as leaders in ITF unions, eg through organising women workers, building alliances and women’s leadership.

The participants also expressed solidarity to ATU Transdev workers on strike at Cinder Bed Road garage in the USA.

The workshop was made possible thanks to the support of the FES.

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Pavel Krenk

It is with sadness that we announce the passing of Pavel Krenk, a revered leader in the global trade union community and long-serving chairman of the Czech Trade Union of Seafarers, who left us on 24