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I Stand with Cabin Crew

Show your solidarity and support cabin crew and our demand for safety and respect.

Cabin Crew are the first responders of the sky. We help save lives when passengers fall ill at 30,000 feet. We help deliver babies, calm anxious flyers, stop fights breaking out, and evacuate passengers safely if things go wrong.

But the pandemic has had a huge impact on our lives. Cabin Crew have continued working while also facing uncertainty about their careers, endured long periods of isolation and extended exposure to the virus, and faced big increases in angry passengers.

As people start travelling more again, will you support our demand for safety and respect?

→ Yes to Safety: a safe environment for cabin crew and passengers

→ Yes to a Healthy Recovery: post-Covid plans should put workers’ health first

→ Yes to Decent Jobs: Cabin Crew deserve fair pay and conditions

Sign up now to show your support!