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Win for Austrian young workers 


The government wanted to disband the "Jugendvertrauensrat (JVR)" - a workers’ council that defends the rights of young workers in Austria. The loss of the JVR would inevitably have led to worsening working conditions for young Austrians.
Christian Hofmanninger‎ from the Gewerkschaft vida union explains: “About one and a half years ago a new conservative government was formed in Austria made up of the Peoples Party and the far-right Freedom Party. They pursue neoliberal politics and focus on lowering the right of employees.
"Their intention was to undermine the unions. If they had been successful, the future of our movement would have been destroyed.
“We started a campaign to resist their plans and collected more than 40,000 signatures. Even politicians from the Conservative Party supported our campaign.
“After months full of demonstrations and meetings with politicians we reached our target and the government have now abolished their idea.”
Christian goes on to say: “I would like to say thank you on behalf of the Austrian trade union youth for the support of the ITF and its unions. Long live international solidarity!”

ITF youth co-ordinator Baker Khundakji added: “This is an example of how government attempts to suppress and undermine the rights of young workers will not succeed.

“Solidarity is the power to make real change and young workers have all the energy, imagination and talent that can surmount their difficulties and guarantee that their voices are heard.”

You can follow ITF young workers taking action on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.




Pavel Krenk

It is with sadness that we announce the passing of Pavel Krenk, a revered leader in the global trade union community and long-serving chairman of the Czech Trade Union of Seafarers, who left us on 24