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ITF Congress 2024: Marrakech

Marrakech, Morocco

For the first time in ITF’s history, our Global Congress will be held in the Arab World region. Bringing together thousands of transport workers and trade union leaders, our 46th Congress will be held in at the Palais des Congrès in Marrakech, Morocco, on 13 – 19 October 2024. 

Unions representing 18.5 million transport workers worldwide from more than 150 countries will gather to celebrate our achievements and to continue our mission to move us, and the world – forward. 

We invite all affiliates to save the date and look forward to setting forth our collective strategy for the next five year to continue pushing the envelope for worker-driven change and building a stronger movement to shift power from capital to workers, and win a more just, equal and sustainable future for us all. 

14:00Sunday 13 October
17:30Saturday 19 October