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Stand with workers and unions in Eswatini

The government of Eswatini (formerly Swaziland) is carrying out a brutal and violent crackdown against trade unions and democratic forces in the country

This crackdown has already seen opposition politicians arrested, journalists driven into exile, trade union leaders and other workers assassinated and attacked, and police raids on trade union events.

Now, the General Secretary of the Swaziland Transport Communication and Allied Workers’ Union (SWATCAWU) has been forced into exile, after a raid on his home.

But these are not just an attack on workers; this is an attack on all the people of Eswatini. Power-grabs and repression offer no solutions to the country’s challenges, and only democratic reform offers a way forward. Workers and trade unions must be central to that process.

Will you take two minutes to send a letter to the Eswatini authorities to send a message calling for democratic reform and an end to attacks on workers?