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South African aviation workers take action at Airlink


Hundreds of workers have taken action against a culture of attacking the rights of working people at Airlink. 

The aviation company is guilty of rampant unfair dismissals, is refusing to amend the current collective agreement and wants to exclude ground and ramp staff from the agreement, according to the South African Transport and Allied Workers' Union (SATAWU). 

SATAWU members marched in Guateng, Johannesburg to show Airlink what it can expect if it continues to ignore existing agreements and abuse the rights of working people. 

The protestors were joined by ITF Africa regional secretary Mohammed Safiyanu.

Speaking at the rally, Mr Safiyanu said: "I bring the solidarity and support of the transport workers of the world.

Your fight is our fight. Justice for you, is justice for all working people.

The ITF is always ready to give our affiliated unions the international supports they deserve." 











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Mohan Aswani

It is with deep sadness that the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) announces the passing of Mohan Aswani on 12 September 2024. Brother Aswani was a revered leader within the Indian