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ITF urges Turkish Airlines management to return to negotiating table


Hava-İş adopted a flexible and constructive approach during the negotiation process. This was aimed at creating a strong basis for building resilience and the commitment of members to a series of painful but necessary policy measures.

However, just two days later, the airline’s management took advantage of the situation. Turkish Airlines broke its initial promises and demanded draconian additional concessions.

Hava-İş’ leadership reacted to this opportunistic manoeuvre with a statement stressing that a climate of trust, built through social dialogue, is essential in the effective implementation of any measures agreed by the two parties.

In response to this statement, Turkish Airlines unilaterally terminated talks with the union. Faced with an industrial relations approach based on broken promises, intimidation and fear, Turkish Airlines workers are now facing a more uncertain future than at any time in the history of the carrier. They are rightfully feeling angry, disappointed and betrayed.

Amid the pandemic, there are particular concerns about the airline's approach to rostering. Shifts are being amended at the last minute, contravening the airline's collective bargaining agreement which gives workers the right to know well ahead of time when they will be on duty. Hava-İş is calling on the airline to immediately release roster information for this month.

Gabriel Mocho Rodriguez, ITF civil aviation secretary, said: “The ITF is encouraging a human-centred approach to the ongoing crisis around the world. Respect for international labour standards is key, as it contributes to a culture of social dialogue and workplace cooperation. We urge Turkish Airlines management to return to negotiations with Hava-İş in good faith. This is not just about protecting workers and our affiliated unions. Breaking promises is bad for business as well.”



Pavel Krenk

It is with sadness that we announce the passing of Pavel Krenk, a revered leader in the global trade union community and long-serving chairman of the Czech Trade Union of Seafarers, who left us on 24