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ITF Dockers union victory at Liberian APMT

news Press Release

After a long and bitter struggle with APM Terminals Monrovia in Liberia, ITF affiliate the Dock Workers’ Union of Liberia (DOWUL) today won their struggle to reinstate 24 dockers with immediate effect.

The dockers were wrongly suspended for taking action at the terminal to defend their jobs and terms and conditions.

In its decision today the Liberian Ministry of Labour made clear that APM Terminals had “failed to prove its accusations against the 24 suspended workers". APMT has been under fire for ignoring earlier calls by the Ministry to reinstate the workers and respect Liberian laws.

Women docker members of the Dock Workers’ Union of Liberia who have been reinstated following a Liberian government decision (Credit: ITF)

A double-win for the union has been the lifting of a suspension relating to a strike last year.

On hearing the breaking news ITF Dockers’ Section chair and ITF president Paddy Crumlin said: “APMT must now respect the decision of the elected Liberian government, respect our affiliated union, and above all – respect the rights of Liberian dockers to organise and take action to protect themselves and their livelihoods.”

“APMT, without a moment’s hesitation, should now facilitate the immediate return of these 24 workers to the terminal. They will be eager to get back to work and we couldn’t be happier for them,” said Paddy.

ITF President and Dockers' Section chair Paddy Crumlin said the ITF was happy for the workers after their victory (Credit: ITF)

DOWUL leader Jackie Doe said “Justice has finally been served. It has been an incredibly stressful time for all of us, but with the solidarity of our ITF comrades we have travelled this long road to victory.”



Pavel Krenk

It is with sadness that we announce the passing of Pavel Krenk, a revered leader in the global trade union community and long-serving chairman of the Czech Trade Union of Seafarers, who left us on 24