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Global unions rally for Safe and Sustainable Rail


At the ITF Railways Section conference in Johannesburg last month, we set out our vision for the world’s railways – a system which functions on behalf of people, with workers and passengers at the heart of decision-making.

That is what we demand when we demand Safe and Sustainable Rail, and on the 27th of March this year we launched our Week of Action for Railways. This week of action - now an annual event for the ITF - is a time for uniting railway workers around the world and their unions in fighting for key issues including safety, investment, expansion, decent work, and equality.

And railway unions around the world answered the call for this week of action - resoundingly.

Unions in every corner of the globe, representing the millions of railway workers, without whom freight and passenger trains would stand still, joined the call for Safe and Sustainable Rail.

Together, speaking as one, we are showing that railway workers are on the frontline of the fight for Safe and Sustainable Rail - and that our determination and resolve is unshakable.

You can see a round-up video of some of the actions ITF affiliates took here:



Pavel Krenk

It is with sadness that we announce the passing of Pavel Krenk, a revered leader in the global trade union community and long-serving chairman of the Czech Trade Union of Seafarers, who left us on 24