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ITF launches new HIV/AIDS manual for affiliates

أخبار 26 Jun 2014

This publication delivers further on the ITF’s Congress mandates in 2002 and 2006 to strengthen its work on HIV/AIDS and challenge the stigma and discrimination surrounding the disease.

Writing in the introduction to the new manual, ITF acting general secretary Steve Cotton said that much had changed since 2004, when the ITF published its first version of the guide.

He commented: “It’s not just a matter of updating statistics but of taking on board the evolving dynamics of the epidemic, the progress that has been made in both prevention and treatment, and the development of new tools and approaches. ITF affiliates have undertaken major programmes and there are many achievements to report.”

He warned against complacency and vowed the ITF would continue to work with its affiliates “to combat the still very real threat that AIDS presents to the rights, health and livelihoods of working people and their families”.

The manual provides hands on guidance; best practice examples from affiliates with a long track record of action on the issue; and practical support to unions in dealing with HIV/AIDS in the workplace and their fight against stigma and discrimination. It includes learning activities, a round-up of training methods and techniques, and a summary of basic information about HIV/AIDS.

Download Action on HIV/AIDS – ITF handbook for transport unions (68 pages).

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