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ITF Photography Prize opens today


We are delighted to announce today the launch of the ITF’s first-ever Photography Prize. The prize aims to showcase the triumphs, challenges and sheer hard work of millions of transport workers around the world, in all sectors, industries and supply chains.

Whether you’re a train attendant, seafarer, bus driver, baggage handler or docker — we want to see photos of what working in transport means to you.

Being a transport worker isn’t easy. It means toiling at odd hours of the day, far away from loved ones and friends. It takes grit, often working to tight deadlines to ferry goods, supplies and people to all corners of the globe.

We want to showcase both the highs and lows of being a transport worker. From the joys of working in a team, to the challenges of being solo on the go.

The competition is free to enter and open to all serving transport workers from any country aged 18 or over.

Submissions close on 30 April 2022 at noon CET, so we’d encourage everyone to start thinking about your entries now.

Finally, the most striking and interesting photograph will be awarded a £2000 cash prize and the title of the first-ever winner of the ITF Photography Prize.


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