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ITF announces formation of XPO global leadership task force

أخبار بيان صحفي 27 Jul 2017

The ITF is a global federation representing over 16.5 million workers worldwide in 654 transport workers’ unions in 148 countries worldwide.  The newly formed task force will work to determine XPO Logistics campaign priorities and overall strategy with a focus on bringing justice to – and improving the lives of workers at – XPO facilities around the globe.  Thousands of XPO employees are currently represented by unions in Europe and by the International Brotherhood of Teamsters in the US.
ITF general secretary Steve Cotton explained: “XPO is a worldwide logistics and transportation company that is making huge profits on the backs of its workers, and our member unions will stand together and combine our resources to fight the mistreatment and exploitation that is taking place. Together, we will help improve the lives of tens of thousands of XPO workers worldwide.”
James P Hoffa, general president of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, commented: “This is a very exciting development in the worldwide campaign for justice for workers at XPO here in North America, in Europe and around the globe.
“During our organising campaigns involving freight and warehouse workers, and in the campaign to stop XPO from misclassifying port workers, we have seen how XPO’s vicious anti-worker, anti-union tactics harm workers. This global task force will take XPO head on so that workers will be treated fairly, lawfully and with dignity.”
The new leadership group currently consists of nine members, including newly elected president of the European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF), and president of the BTB Union in Belgium, Frank Moreels.
For more details please contact:
ITF: Sam Dawson. Tel: +44 (0)20 7940 9260. Email:
Teamsters: Galen Munroe. Tel:  00 1 (202) 624-6911. Email:

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