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ITF uses Facebook event to thank LabourStart

أخبار 17 Jul 2014

A LabourStart fundraising event organised through Facebook in London on 4 May to celebrate International Workers Day gave the ITF an opportunity to thank the organisation for mobilising global support for trade union campaigns.

Speaking at the event, held in London’s only pub to be run by a trade union, the Bread and Roses in Clapham, ITF general secretary David Cockroft said:  “This is the first Facebook event I have attended and it has gone extremely well.

“I am happy to pay tribute to LabourStart, which is providing a massive resource network of committed individuals to support key ITF campaigns throughout Cyberspace. Most recently, they have mobilised effective global support for key ITF affiliate disputes in the port of Vancouver, Washington and Hong Kong.  

“I can also praise their latest publication 'The Global Labour Movement – an Introduction' by Edd Mustill.”

Cockroft was the main speaker at the event, supported by Kiril Buketov of the International Union of Foodworkers (IUF), who was in the UK gaining support for the union’s 'Screamdelez' campaign against the former Kraft Foods new brand name, as the company is attacking union representation globally. The event was hosted by Edd Mustill.

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