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Transport workers hold twin rallies for peace

أخبار 20 Oct 2015

The dual demonstrations were the concrete outcome of a commitment made by both countries’ transport workers last month, when they met in Brazil to support a peaceful resolution to a century-old border dispute. They were hosted there by ITF affiliates CONTTMAF and CNTTT.

Antonio Rodriguez Fritz, ITF Americas regional secretary, commented: "These actions by ITF affiliates from Guyana and Venezuela have shown that meeting’s resolve in action*. Transport workers are working together to resolve issues by peaceful and political means.
The ITF is not going to rest until we see a resolution of this conflict, which concerns the entire region. Our mission will always be to strive for what is good for workers and their families."

The twin demonstrations, which featured the release of white balloons as a peace symbol, coincided with the visit of a United Nations mission to Venezuela to address the border conflict between both countries.

*The declaration of the meeting in Brazil can be seen in English here (LINK TO and in Spanish here.

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