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Multi-day humanitarian pause and hostage deal must lead to permanent ceasefire

أخبار بيان صحفي 23 Nov 2023

The International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) welcomes the announcement of at least a four-day truce and hostage deal that will see the release of at least 50 hostages in Gaza in exchange for the release of 150 Palestinian women and children held in Israeli prisons.

The humanitarian pause, the longest cessation in violence since October 7, will provide urgently needed humanitarian access into Gaza to deliver lifesaving supplies including fuel, food, water and medical supplies.

The ITF echoes comments from the UN Secretary-General António Guterres: “This is an important step in the right direction, but much more needs to be done.”

With over 30 UN Special Procedures mandate holders warning of a risk of genocide of Palestinians, the power of diplomacy must prevail over military force.

In the face of this unprecedented warning, the ITF reiterates our call for an immediate, United Nations enforced and guaranteed, ceasefire, the establishment of humanitarian corridors to prevent further humanitarian catastrophe and loss of civilian lives, and genuine efforts towards a sustainable peace.

The ITF also reiterates our call for the immediate and unconditional release of all other civilians held hostage by Hamas and other armed groups in Gaza, and call on Israeli authorities to release all Palestinians detained unlawfully, including those held without charge or trial in administrative detention.

The ITF welcomes the commitment of the International Criminal Court (ICC) to extend its ongoing investigation into the situation in Palestine to the present war. The ITF calls on the international community to cooperate with the ICC and to exercise its responsibility to prevent and end international crimes.

The ITF deplores the rise in anti-Arab, anti-Muslim and anti-Semitic attacks around the world since the start of the conflict. There is no excuse for racism or any other form of violence, hatred or bigotry.

We stand with trade unionists from across the world calling for a ceasefire and lasting peace in Palestine and Israel, and are continuing to explore, alongside our affiliates in the region, how trade unions can mobilise solidarity and take action to prevent further bloodshed, and effectively support relief efforts and humanitarian initiatives on the ground.

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