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Pay increase victory for seafarers

أخبار 26 Jun 2014

The announcement was made as the first round of negotiations on the new IBF framework agreement were concluded in Indonesia today – eight months after they started.

ITF seafarers’ section chair Dave Heindel, who chaired the negotiations along with Paddy Crumlin, chair of the ITF dockers section and ITF president, commended both sides. He said that, while the ITF understood the challenges facing JNG members in affording a pay increase, it had been important to secure this raise to ensure a fair wage and conditions of employment for seafarers. He concluded that, despite occasionally differing views, both parties were able to put them aside to conclude the negotiations.

Steve Cotton, ITF acting general secretary, congratulated both sides on their achievement and underscored that this is a victory for workers: “Both sides have worked hard to come to an agreement and negotiations have now been going on for eight months. The hard work has been worth it. There is now a single standard of employment for IBF seafarers, and all the IBF social partners support this global standard.”

The IBF is now in its tenth year, and was formed as a mechanism for collective bargaining between employers and maritime unions over wages and conditions of employment for seafarers serving on foreign flag ships covered by ITF special agreements.

Find out more about the IBF on the ITF seafarers’ website.

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