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Philippines to be a safer country for women transport workers


As we mark International Women’s Day, the ITF welcomes news that the Philippines has become the 38th country - and the first Asian country - to ratify the International Labour Organization’s convention C190 which provides a framework for workplaces to be free from violence and harassment.

Transport unions in Philippines have played a key role in lobbying government for the ratification. ITF affiliate the Associated Marine Officers’ and Seamen’s Union of the Philippines (AMOSUP) have welcomed the decision with youth representative on AMOSUP’s women’s committee Captain Jasmien Lambada saying:

‘We celebrate today on International Women’s Day the Philippines is the first country in Asia to ratify C190! This is a result of the collective effort by women workers to set the guidelines for a safe and healthy working environment for all. 

“Let’s eliminate hazards, violence and harassment and not our dreams, our passions or desire for the opportunity to earn a living. We will not eliminate the courage to stand up and demand the best positive working environment.

This is a start. This is us standing up to say enough is enough! No more violence and harassment at work. No more violence against women! Let’s stand together!

This is our world too!’


Hовости Пресс-релиз

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