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Severino Almeida Filho

ニュース 24 May 2022

It is with sadness that the ITF reports the death of Severino Almeida, former president of Brazilian maritime officers’ union SINDMAR, former member of the ITF Executive Board, and former ITF Vice President of the Latin American region. Severino leaves a lasting legacy of a life spent fighting to improve the rights and working conditions of Brazilian seafarers. The ITF sends its deepest sympathies and condolences to his family, and to his many friends and comrades around the world.

Comment from Paddy Crumlin, ITF President and National Secretary of the Maritime Union of Australia:

“The ITF and the Maritime Union of Australia relay our deepest sympathies and condolences to Severino’s family, friends and comrades on his untimely passing. He was a trade union leader of great presence, intellect, commitment and labour values throughout his distinguished working lifetime.”

“He was a true internationalist. His enthusiasm, passion and tireless energy was always directed to the benefit of the working class in general, and seafarers and maritime workers in particular. He was a stanchion of strength to his members and his union. He understood the struggle for decent national and international conditions for seafarers was in part a commitment to the united front of action, and at times a robust reconciliation of trade union viewpoints.”

“I first met him in 1992 at the ILO in Geneva where we were prosecuting our campaign for an international convention for the protection of seafarers working in one of the most exploitative and deregulated industries in the world. His leadership and role there, as elsewhere, was critical to the long campaign for the seafarers bill of rights, the Maritime Labour Convention. We enjoyed a friendship that lasted.” 

“Charismatic with a self-deprecating sense of humour, he was unafraid to challenge any issue that he felt was not in the industrial, political and economic interests of his members or workers generally. He was widely respected and admired and will be greatly missed. Vale comrade Seve.”

Comment from Stephen Cotton, ITF General Secretary:

“Severino was a passionate defender of Brazilian Seafarers. Irrespective of whether it was a seafarer working on a bulk carrier or the oil and gas sector he always wanted the best possible terms and conditions and career opportunities for his members.”

“He was no fan of the TCC or the IBF, and he consistently challenged the policy purely with the intention of giving the seafarers the best possible standards. He always was consistent in his thinking and his advocacy.”

“He was a true man of his word and stuck to his principles throughout his long career in the ITF whether defending seafarers in the FPC or promoting the concerns of the Latin American region. Thank you for all the memories Severino, may you rest in peace.”

Comment from Edgar Diaz, ITF Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Secretary

“Severino was one of the most significant maritime trade union leaders in Brazil, and a tireless defender of workers’ rights, often with firm positions. He was part of the ITF Executive Board representing the Latin American region. We pay tribute and express our recognition to a union leader who knew how to guide with intelligence and skill in the resistance to the attacks on fair working conditions in maritime sector.”

Comment from David Heindel, ITF Seafarers’ Section Chair:

“Brother Severino was a principled labour leader and a good friend. He fought to preserve cabotage and the ITF’s policy on flags of convenience. He will be missed not only in Brazil but by seafarers across the globe.”


ニュース 08 May 2024


 毎年 4 月 28 日に世界中で記念される「労働者追悼の日」(または「労災犠牲者追悼記念日」)は、労災で死亡、負傷、または体調不良となった労働者を追悼し、行動を起こす世界的な記念日である。  最近、アプリを利用したデリバリーのライダー(配達員)が増加しているが、彼らの中には休憩を与えられず、危険な天候の中で働かされている者もいる。先週スペインで 1 人のライダーが死亡したが
ニュース 08 May 2024


トルコのブルサ近郊のボルサン港で働く港湾労働者が、港湾所有者のボルサン・ロジスティクスから、自らが選んだ組合に加入したことを理由に攻撃されている。 港湾労働者の 70 %以上が、 3 月に ITF 加盟組合のリマン・イシュ労組に加入した。 すると、ボルサン港の経営陣は、組合に加入したことを理由に港湾労働者 6 人を解雇した。 これに対し、組合は港で 4 日間の抗議行動を実施し、港湾を閉鎖した。
ニュース 07 May 2024


2024年4月25日配信 新たな合意の下で社会的対話を継続する ITF とウーバーが配達員のための安全憲章を制定した。 これにより、ウーバーは世界 1 万1千以上の都市の何百万人もの配達員の安全衛生の拡充にコミットする。 また、 ITF とウーバーは世界中のドライバー・配達員の労働条件向上に関する社会的対話を継続するために、両者の覚書を更新した。 これは、2年以上にわたる両者の協力により